Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is a smartphone?

This is my coretan about a smartphone.

By the way, what is a smartphone anyway? Sometime it makes me wonder. Is it a phone that is smart? Or a phone for a smart people?

Admit it. Since the smartphone come out, there are a lot of people using it. And the truth, I found out that is not easy to use it. For sure! I mean it's very different with the good ol' day phone. The old phone is very easy to use. You can make a phone call, send a text message and etc, without have a difficulties to press many or over-sensitive buttons. In another word for a phone: perfect.

Now, the smartphone --which is very understandable for me-- is the opposite. It is remarkably very hard to use, very strange in shape, very fragile and not to mention... very expensive.

Easy to Use

First time I use it (and sees other people using it), I was very happy. My expectation is almost the same as the commercial in TV, "a phone that understand you." Wow!! Finally, I've got a digital maid! Hehehe. Well, at least that what cross my mind.
But wait. When I need to mop the floor, it doesn't want to do it. When I need to change clothes, it doesn't want to do that either. I thought, okay, probably it's new and still need some adjustment. Don't tell me I'm crazy when I did that. I mean, I saw a lot of people bring their smartphone to the toilet, to the shopping mall, to the park, and anywhere else. Now what would that smartphone have been brought if not to do the work that we suppose to do? "A phone that understand you", right? I mean? Like going to the toilet, I often see and hear people bring the smartphone to the toilet. What do they want to do in the toilet beside "the nature call"? I mean do they really think they can receive a call during that "strange noise" making? Don't think so! Right? So what would they do with the smartphone there? You tell me!!

Bigger Screen = Better

And then another phenomena happened, smartphones become bigger. And the user get smaller (in brain, I guess, lol). Have you seen some people use a 7" or more smartphone to make a phone call? The whole phone cover their face!! Damn! But they still did that anyway. Now can you imagine if the smartphone is going up to 14" or even 32"? Hahahaha.
This image is from tupaki

This one is from gizmodo

Need to say more? Taken from iMore

No more mr. Buttons

Some smartphone doesn't have button in their body. So you will miss the clicking sound of a button being press. Instead, they make a virtual sound that come with the click or touch of the screen. And funny thing we can set any sound we want for that. Is that cool? For me?NO!! That is absolutely ridiculous! Since when a button sound like a dog? or a cat? or even a gunshot? Tell me in the history line when is a button (except for bell button) sound like that?

Value for money

Yes! This is actually why we called a phone as a smartphone!
A smartphone is a phone that can sell themself in a very high price when they actually don't have any capability at all to help us. Sample? It's easy.
A korean phone called "Samseng" (I have to make a nick or I probably get sued, those are smart people who work in that company, that's why they can make a smartphone, hehehe) can be bought for the price Rp. 5.000.000. (est. US$ 500) and still considered cheap.
On the other hand, in china, a phone with the same capability, even sometime better, can be bought for only Rp. 2.000.000. (est US$... you count it yourself! I'm not a smart people, that one of the reason why I caught up with this smart phone thingy, lol)  and considered very expensive.
When they enter Indonesian market, people still after the Samseng phone! And the reason is simple! It's a smartphone!! It is!! Because it can sell it self more and more expensive than the china phone which have same quality and spec and people still like it! Now, how smart is that?!! Cool! Not because it has the same quality even sometime worst, not because it is high tech, not because it is nice in design, not because it has the same spec or sometime lower... But because, it's a smartphone and smartphone is for "smartpeople".

So, it's up to you. You can be a smart people or... a smartpeople.

Salam Sin-Think.
Mr. B


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